Welcome, beloveds.
I'm grateful that you're here.
This Time on Planet Earth is monumental. We exist in a moment of great awakening, where Humans are beginning to remember their power as the creative force. But in order to hear the call of our soul and the whispers of the earth, to follow the nudges of synchronicity to our destined timeline, we have to take full responsibility and feel worthy of love.
The path is two fold; to recover from the past and, to align ourselves with the future we wish to inhabit.
Astrologically speaking, my lifetime is about studying systems and then guiding people through them. I am incredibly open and sensitive which means certain aspects of the world are hard for me, but it also gives me superpowers. I facilitate deep emotional release and the awakening of soul identity.
I've studied, lived and taught the mysteries of the Galactic Mayan Calendar (Dreamspell) for over a decade. This evolutionary map provides us with an organic TIMEline that we can collectively align to and create through together.
I teach Reiki and Sekhem - the masculine and feminine lineages of energy healing, integrating ancient/future wisdoms. Cultivating sacred space is something that my soul has carried through from other lifetimes/galaxies.
I also deeply embody the teachings of manifestation, spending 10 years cultivating and then birthing an alternative to school & social space for young people to exist at themselves.
Whether you want to understand who you truly are & restructure your life path accordingly, come to terms with and release traumatic events that may be looping in your life, enter the mystery school & understand this vibrational reality from a navigational and therapeutic perspective or manifest a soul calling, I can help :)


The Galactic Mayan (Dreamspell) Calendar is a map, a tool, a guide for navigating this dimension in harmonisation.
It reveals our soul code, the essence of energy we show up to the world with and what we desired to learn and journey this lifetime. It offers profound insight into the individual ways we navigate this realm - from making decisions, to relationships, to creating money through living our purpose and also acts as a cosmic weather forecast.
Alongside my YouTube videos, I offer 121 readings, cosmic in person events and online courses. Readings are 40 minute deep dives into your Galactic Mayan and Human Design astrological profiles.
Book your reading HERE
Keep scrolling to see what other exciting things are on the stove - like Glastonbury in March!

Oh this offering is FIRE.
6 weeks. 6 transformational sessions.
A deep shadow work process which pinpoints the aspects of growth edge and gift using the map of your personal Galactic Mayan astrological signature.
We cultivate a safe and cosmic container, exploring the past to liberate your current and future selves. I hold your hand as we softly open to hurts holding in place the patterns of behaviour that you feel ready to outgrow. We use your current life circumstances as doorways to reset your psyche and nervous system using incredible tools that liberate your heart, head and soul, bringing your in to deeper levels of cosmic embodiment and power than ever before.
Follow this link to learn more about coaching with me..

I teach both the masculine and feminine lineages of energy healing on a 1 to 1 basis from my home in Pendle. Both lineages are rich in mystery wisdoms that open our perceptions and access to multidimensional reality.
Each training is a unique ceremony crafted to crack open your being in deeply beautiful ways. You’ll learn your astrological code and how to utilise this not only for your personal evolution, but also as a practitioner, teacher and sacred space holder.
Though this is a VERY cosmic container, equal importance is given to becoming a boundaried and professional practitioner in the healing arts. Spiritual science initiations in a temple space.
Levels 1 & 2 £250 each
Master Teacher Level (3 months) £1100
Payment plans available.
Galactic mayan astrology
Reiki/Sekhem Training
If you'd like to learn more about any of my offerings, let's jump on a free 30 min call: